Dimensity 7050 vs Dimensity 7025 Who is Best ?

Here’s a breakdown of the key differences between the MediaTek Dimensity 7050 and Dimensity 7025 processors:

Dimensity 7050 vs Dimensity 7025 Key Differences:

  • CPU: The 7050 has newer and slightly faster high-performance cores (A710 vs A76).
  • Fabrication Process: The 7050 uses a more advanced 6nm process, leading to better power efficiency and potentially higher performance.
  • Display and RAM Support: The 7050 supports higher refresh rates (up to 144Hz) and faster LPDDR5 RAM for smoother visuals and improved performance. ░

Dimensity 7050 vs Dimensity 7025 CPU

  • Dimensity 7050: 2x Cortex-A710 high-performance cores clocked at 2.8GHz + 6x Cortex-A510 efficiency cores clocked at 2.0GHz
  • Dimensity 7025: 2x Cortex-A76 high-performance cores clocked at 2.3GHz + 6x Cortex-A55 efficiency cores clocked at 2.0GHz

The 7050 has newer and slightly faster high-performance cores (A710 vs A76), which could lead to better performance in demanding tasks.

Dimensity 7025

Dimensity 7050 vs Dimensity 7025 GPU

  • Both: Mali-G310 MC3

They use the same graphics processing unit, so graphical performance should be similar.

Fabrication Process

  • Dimensity 7050: Advanced 6nm process
  • Dimensity 7025: 12nm process

The 7050 utilizes a more advanced 6nm process, which generally translates to better power efficiency and potentially slightly higher performance.

FeatureDimensity 7050Dimensity 7025
CPU Cores2x A710 2.8GHz + 6x A510 2.0GHz2x A76 2.3GHz + 6x A55 2.0GHz
GPUMali-G310 MC3Mali-G310 MC3
Fabrication Process6nm12nm
Display Refresh RateUp to 144HzUp to 120Hz


Other Features

  • Dimensity 7050: Supports higher refresh rate displays (up to 144Hz), LPDDR5 RAM
  • Dimensity 7025: Supports lower refresh rate displays (up to 120Hz), LPDDR4x RAM

The 7050 offers smoother display experiences with its support for higher refresh rates and faster RAM.


The MediaTek Dimensity 7050 generally outperforms the 7025 due to its newer CPU cores, more advanced fabrication process, and support for higher refresh rates and faster RAM.

Dimensity 7050:

  • 2x Cortex-A710 high-performance cores clocked at 2.8GHz
  • 6x Cortex-A510 efficiency cores clocked at 2.0GHz

Dimensity 7025:

  • 2x Cortex-A76 high-performance cores clocked at 2.3GHz
  • 6x Cortex-A55 efficiency cores clocked at 2.0GHz

As you pointed out:

  • The 7050 uses newer A710 cores than the 7025’s A76 cores, potentially offering a performance edge in demanding tasks.
  • Dimensity 7050: Advanced 6nm process
  • Dimensity 7025: 12nm process

Here’s why the 6nm process in the 7050 is generally considered better:

  • Smaller Transistors: 6nm transistors are significantly smaller than 12nm transistors. This allows for:
    • Higher Density: More transistors can be packed into the same space, potentially leading to higher performance and improved efficiency.
    • Reduced Power Consumption: Smaller transistors generally require less power, resulting in better battery life.

Therefore, the Dimensity 7050 benefits from a more advanced fabrication process, potentially offering power efficiency and performance advantages compared to the 7025.

Dimensity 7050 vs Dimensity 7025 Display and RAM Support:

  • Dimensity 7050: Supports higher refresh rate displays (up to 144Hz) and LPDDR5 RAM
  • Dimensity 7025: Supports lower refresh rate displays (up to 120Hz) and LPDDR4x RAM

Here’s why these differences matter:

  • Display Refresh Rate:
    • Higher refresh rates (like 144Hz) provide smoother scrolling and animations, resulting in a more visually appealing and responsive user experience.
  • RAM Type:
    • LPDDR5 RAM offers faster data transfer speeds compared to LPDDR4x. This translates to quicker app loading times, smoother multitasking, and overall improved system performance.

Therefore, the Dimensity 7050 offers a more advanced display and memory experience due to its support for higher refresh rates and faster RAM.

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Dimensity 7050 vs Dimensity 7025 Higher Density:

  • As you pointed out, a smaller fabrication process like 6nm allows for packing more transistors into the same physical space. This translates to:
    • Increased Complexity: More transistors can be integrated into a single chip, enabling more complex circuits and functionalities. This can lead to improved performance in areas like processing power, graphics capabilities, and AI processing.
    • Smaller Chip Size: A chip with the same number of transistors fabricated with a smaller process node will be physically smaller. This can be beneficial for designing more compact devices like smartphones.

Reduced Power Consumption:

  • Smaller transistors generally require less voltage to operate, resulting in:
    • Lower Power Consumption: This translates to improved battery life for devices using the processor.
    • Reduced Heat Generation: Less power consumption also means less heat generated by the chip, which can lead to better thermal management and potentially higher sustained performance.

Overall, the 6nm process in the Dimensity 7050 offers several advantages over the 12nm process in the 7025, potentially leading to better performance, improved efficiency, and longer battery life.

You’re right! Reduced power consumption is a crucial advantage of the Dimensity 7050 thanks to its 6nm process compared to the 7025’s 12nm process. Here’s a deeper dive into the benefits of reduced power consumption:

Longer Battery Life:

  • Less power consumption translates directly to longer battery life for your device. This means you can enjoy using your phone for extended periods without needing to recharge as often. This is especially beneficial for users who heavily rely on their smartphones throughout the day.

Reduced Heat Generation:

  • As less power is required to operate the smaller transistors in the 6nm process, less heat is generated by the processor. This leads to better thermal management within the device, which can prevent overheating and throttling (performance reduction due to high temperatures).

Improved Sustainability:

  • Reduced power consumption translates to less energy being used by the device. This translates to a smaller environmental footprint, contributing to a more sustainable approach to technology.

Additional Benefits:

  • Lower power consumption can also potentially lead to faster charging times, as less energy needs to be replenished in the battery.
  • It can also contribute to a more comfortable user experience, as devices with better thermal management are less likely to become uncomfortably hot during operation.

Overall, the reduced power consumption of the Dimensity 7050 due to its advanced fabrication process offers a range of benefits for users, including longer battery life, improved thermal management, and a more sustainable approach to technology.

Dimensity 7050 vs Dimensity 7025 CPU

Processors, often referred to as CPUs (Central Processing Units), are the brains of computers and many other electronic devices. They are responsible for:

  • Executing instructions: Processors receive instructions from software and perform the necessary calculations and operations to complete tasks.
  • Data processing: They manipulate data, performing calculations, comparisons, and other operations on it.
  • Controlling other components: Processors coordinate the activities of other hardware components like memory, storage, and peripherals.

Here’s a breakdown of key aspects of processors:


  • CPUs: These are the main processors responsible for general-purpose computing tasks.
  • GPUs (Graphics Processing Units): Specialized processors designed for graphics-intensive tasks like video editing and gaming.
  • APUs (Accelerated Processing Units): Combine CPU and GPU functionalities onto a single chip.

Key Features:

  • Cores: The number of cores determines how many tasks the processor can handle simultaneously. More cores generally lead to better multitasking and faster performance.
  • Clock Speed: Measured in GHz, it indicates how many cycles the processor can perform per second. Higher clock speeds typically translate to faster processing.
  • Cache: A small amount of high-speed memory that stores frequently accessed data, improving processing speed.
  • Fabrication Process: The size of transistors in the processor. Smaller processes like 7nm or 5nm generally offer better performance and efficiency.

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Popular Manufacturers:

  • Intel: Offers Core i3, i5, i7, and i9 series processors for various performance levels.
  • AMD: Ryzen 3, 5, 7, and 9 series processors are known for their value and performance.
  • MediaTek: Produces processors for mobile devices, like the Dimensity series we discussed earlier.

Choosing a Processor:

The best processor for you depends on your needs and budget. Consider factors like:

  • Usage: Everyday tasks, gaming, video editing, professional applications, etc.
  • Performance: How much processing power do you need for your typical tasks?
  • Budget: Processors range in price depending on their capabilities.

    Both the Dimensity 7050 and 7025 processors utilize the Mali-G310 MC3 GPU. Here’s a breakdown of what that means:

Dimensity 7050 vs Dimensity 7025 Key Differences

  • Mali-G310:

    • This is an ultra-efficient GPU designed by Arm, the first in their lineup to leverage the Valhall architecture.
    • It offers significant performance improvements over its predecessor, the Mali-G31:
      • 6x improvement in texturing performance
      • 4.5x improvement in Vulkan performance
      • 2x faster performance for Android UI tasks
    • It supports features like HDR and foveated rendering for VR applications.


    • This refers to the configuration of the Mali-G310 GPU.
    • “MC” stands for “Multi-Cluster,” and “3” indicates that it likely has 3 cores.
    • More cores generally translate to better graphics processing capabilities, but the specific number of cores can vary depending on the implementation.

    Therefore, the Dimensity 7050 and 7025 share the same Mali-G310 GPU, potentially offering similar graphical performance, especially for everyday tasks and less demanding games. However, the exact performance might differ slightly depending on the specific configuration of the Mali-G310 MC3 in each processor.

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